The 1st Lady Finisher of the 2022 Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge.
One a select few that can keep up with Hop & Riot!
Mega Monster #3
Beast of a Rider that can keep up with anyone! This Monster can be counted on for anything. She has the Heart of a Lion and the Heroes love her.

Behind the scenes Monster in charge!
Mega Monster #113
Incredible rider who rides in all weather! Even when its FROSTY

Rode her Harley Bagger everyday of the year in 2023!
Mega Monster #365
A small frame with a ginormous heart! A skilled rider who kicked off the Honor Roll.

Misti is the Star of Monster Monday & Dylan keeps the show going.
Misti & Dylan
Mega Monster Duo
Both Avid riders who have Monster hearts and always work to make sure the heroes have everything they need. World Famous

The Monster in charge of Monster Mile awards and ride certs.
Mega Monster #33
Got her 1st Harley and is planning an Epic Year!

Co-Producer of Monster Miles and a Monster of a Rider! Dude can ride.
Mega Monster #27
Beast of a rider, finisher of 2 Hoka Hey Challenges and will ride any distance to see our heroes. Truly an inspiration to many.

Monster who Runs the Birthday Coins
Mega Monster
This Monster rider has ridden in 2 Hoka Hey's and was able to ride with her mom and brother in 2024.
She is an awesome rider and person.

Monster Miles Champ 2023 & 2024
Skilled Rider who crosses Mountains year round.
Franky Mountains
Mega Monster #51
Not only a world class rider but also an incredible advocate for our heroes. This Monster will ride for days to have hours with a Hero!

Monsters over Mountains Founder.
Host of the podcast The V-Twin Life
Mega Monster
Crazy skilled rider who goes above and beyond to help our heroes. Will do what ever it takes to Make it happen.

A behind the scenes Monster who makes all the events possible.
Mega Monster #5
An awesome rider who can ride with anyone. Size does not matter. This little thing can ride. Crazy big heart and mad talent make puts her among the best.

LoKoMotion! Rode his Bike everyday of 2024. A leap year so he holds the record at 366 days!
Mega Monster #366
Competed in the Hoka Hey and rode all year despite snow, sleet and rain!

A skilled Photographer and Video editor. Co-produced The Goat's Tour.
Mega Monster
Great rider who hardly ever breaks the law. Most wheelies are accidental. Skilled rider who can take pics while navigating traffic with a loaded bike.

Monster Rider who has been around from the beginning. Always helping heroes.
Big Daddy
Mega Monster
Has Competed in 5 Hoka Hey's, Done 3 Monster Days including one in Ireland for Alfie.

Two Monsters who we met because of
their awesome products at Wild-Ass have become incredible friends and awesome supporters of our Heroes!
Wild-Ass Duo,
Craig & Renae
Mega Monsters #32 & #64
You can find Wild-Ass at all of the Motorcycle rallies so be sure to stop in and thank them for their awesomeness.

This Monster had a year-
His 1st Hoka Hey and also rode over 100,000 Miles in 2024
Mega Monster
A beast on the bike and someone who goes out of their way to help others. One of only 25 people to have ever ridden 100k in a year.

A 4 time Hoka Hey Challenge rider,
an Iron Butt Rally Finisher and holder of countless ride certifications.
Mega Monster
Amongst all of his rides the one that stands out is riding 9 days in cold weather doing 1,500 miles per day. Has also been at multiple Monster Days.